
Emmanuel’s Home Groups meet either weekly or bi-weekly in members’ home with the aim of sharing fellowship and looking into God’s word. In fact, each group aims to be: under the word of God, alongside one another, looking upwards in prayer, reaching out in mission and building up the church family through serving.
If you would like to know more about joining a Home Group at Emmanuel, please contact email

The Emmanuel Ladies’ Club run events just for women every term. These events are for Emmanuel women, their friends and families and anyone else who fancies coming along. Everyone is welcome. Please contact the office for details of this term’s events.

The Emmanuel Men’s Chum’s Club runs events for men throughout the year. Please contact the office for details of the next EMCC event.

Open Door is a daytime group for retired folks, run by our parish church Christ Church. The group meets on alternate Thursdays 2-3.45pm for refreshments, a thought for the day and much more. Dates for this term are 14 & 28 November with a Christmas service & party on 12 December. More information on the Christ Church website.