Sermon Notes"I am the gate" John 10:1-10If they don't enter through the gate, they're thieves, v1-2Jesus' sheep have built-in voice recognition, v3-6Thieves kill, Jesus gives life to the full, v7-10
"I am the light of the world", John 18:12-20The claim Jesus makesThe invitation Jesus offersThe promise Jesus gives
Text: John 6: 25-591) Jesus’ the I AM the importance of Jesus’ proclamation “ I AM the bread of life”. When Moses asked God in exodus chapter 3 verses 13…
Our Easter Sunday Service preached online
Text: John 12: 12-19 Title: Jesus is the King of Peace. Easter Series: Jesus: Strength for today; Hope for tomorrow.
1. Jesus' Love • It is there throughout the passage o v3 o v5 o The way Jesus deals with Martha and Mary o v36 • If he loves them…