Sermon Notes - Luke 1:46-55 The Lord lifts up the humble Who are the humble? How high does he lift them?
Sermon notes Luke 19 v 1-10 - When Jesus met a very rich man Money has tentacles. Jesus invites himself in. As Jesus moves in, money loses its grip on…
Sermon notes – Luke 8 v 26-39 When Jesus met a demon-possessed man The demon-possessed man: uncontainable evil. Jesus: the conqueror of evil. The responses: fear or faith.
Sermon Notes - Luke 2:8-20 - The Shepherds The first eyewitnesses… God’s Saviour King has arrived… … Peace! … Proclamation! … Praise!
Sermon points The Adventure of Christmas: Mary, Luke 1:26-38 Why submit like Mary? God's Grace God's Greatness Jesus is the perfect King Jesus is the King who comes to us Will…
Sermon points Luke 19: 11–27 The Parable of the King’s Servants It’s not about gifts – it’s about investments We all get the same to invest – the Gospel Investing…
Sermon points – Luke 24:36-52 1. What we are to do: 2. The message from Jesus:Repentance is not: Repentance is:
Luke 24:36-53 Verse 45 ‘Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures’Then he opened their mindsJesus can open mindsJesus needs to open minds 2. so they could understand the…
Bible passage: Luke 24:13-35Title: The hope, the Revelation and the Response:1 - The Hope – verses 13-24Their hope was that _____________ was going to __________ Israel.Now their faces were _____________…