Sermon Notes Text: Matthew 5:1-10 Peacemakers v9 Romans 12:17-21 Persecuted v10 John 15:18-20
Sermon Notes: How do we approach God? How are our lives changed? Merciful Pure in heart
Sermon Notes - Matthew 5:1-6 How do we approach God? Meekness Hungry and thirsty for righteousness
Sermon Notes - Matthew 5:1-6 How do we approach God? Poor in Spirit Mourning
Sermon notes: Matthew 2:13-23, Joseph the dreamer The Dream of Protection - verses 13-18 The Dream of Resettlement - verses 14-21 The Dream of Guidance - verses 22-23
God With Us Who is this Baby? God with us Why did He come? To save His people from their sins
Sermon Notes The Adventure of Christmas - The Wise Men Matthew 2:1-12 Reactions to Jesus: 1. Herod: Sees a Threat 2. Religious Leaders: Apathy 3. The Magi: Worship
Sermon Notes Matthew 1:18-25, Advent 2 Joseph Main Points: Trust in the God who is faithful to His promises V 1-17 A word on Genealogies footnote for verse 1 and…
Sermon points - Matthew 5:1-16, Salt and Light We're not in Christendom anymore. 1. Being salt and light starts with our hearts. 2. Being salt and light in our neighbourhood.…