Church Family



Home Groups

Supporting one another in knowing Jesus and living with him everyday

We have a few Home Groups that meet on the second and fourth weeks each month, mid-week.  Groups meet on a Monday afternoon, Tuesday evening or Wednesday evening.  These groups are a vital part of our church community, fostering relationships between each other and with the Lord.  Our groups seek to be:

  • Under the word of God
  • Looking upwards in prayer
  • Supporting one another
  • Reaching out in mission
  • Building up the Church Family through serving

Please contact the office if you are interested in joining one of these groups or simply wanting to find out more.

Prayer Focus

Monthly Prayer Meeting

We are currently alternating our prayer meets between Wednesday evenings 8pm and Sunday afternoons, either following lunch at 2pm or later at 4pm.  Our next meetings are as follows: Sunday 6 April following lunch, Wednesday 7 May 8pm and Sunday 1 June 2pm.

Wen also aim to run termly Prayer Breakfast meetings with the winter term meeting on Saturday 15 March 8.30-9.30am.

Mission Gift Day

As a Church we support individuals working for the following organisations: UFM Worldwide (Kenya), Oxygen (Kingston-upon-Thames), KCAH (Kingston-upon-Thames) and the Hephzibah Project (Manchester /Greece).  Throughout the year, we regularly hear from these mission partners, with prayers requests and updates and we collect for them on our annual Mission Gift Day in May.

At Harvest we will also collect food and needed items for the Kingston Foodbank.  To find out which items are in most need, please look here.

As a Church we also support Insight through giving to our General Fund.  You can find out more about Insight and the excellent work they do in many schools in the Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames by clicking here.

Forward Focus Sunday

Our Forward Focus meeting is a chance to look back at what God has been doing in our church family over the last year to look forward to the year coming.   At this meeting we elect our Church Warden and PCC members.  In 2025 this meeting will be on Sunday 27 April.  The APCM, our joint-meeting with Christ Church, takes place on Monday 28 April at 8pm.  You can find out more about this meeting on the Christ Church website here.