
We are grateful to God for the way in which He continually provides for all that we do at Emmanuel.  We are also thankful for the way in which our Church Family commit themselves to regular giving, not just financial, but also time and talents.

Financially, you can support Emmanuel Church by giving to the Emmanuel General Fund, which is the fund used to run the church, our outreach and indirectly, to pay our minister.

Account name: Emmanuel Church, Tolworth (General Fund)

Sort Code: 23-05-80      Account: 18255472 (Metro Bank, Kingston upon Thames Branch)

The most helpful way to give is to set up a standing order with your bank.  You can do this quickly using your online or telephone banking and by quoting the relevant bank account details above.

Alternatively, you can complete and return a standing order form and we will forward it to your bank on your behalf.  You can also pay by cash or cheque using giving envelopes that we will provide.

Completed standing order forms should be returned to Andy Whelan, the Emmanuel treasurer via the Church office.   If you are a UK tax player please also complete and return a gift aid declaration. This will enable our church to increase the value of your gift by 25% by reclaiming from HM Revenue and Customs the basis rate tax that you have paid on your gift.

You can find all the necessary forms below or contact the office for a paper copy.

Please note that you can also make one off payments by debit and credit card to h the General Fund via our online store.

Emmanuel Church is part of the registered charity The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Christ Church Surbiton Hill with Emmanuel, Tolworth, no.1143331.



Emmanuel General Fund Gift Aid Declaration

Emmanuel Ministry Fund Gift Aid Declaration