
Running Order - Forward Focus Meeting Election of Wardens Nominations: John Newell and Robin Walpole Elected unopposed Election of PCC members Nominations: Cara Rodger, Joanne Walpole and Andy Whelan Elected…
Sermon Notes - Ezra 2 Hearts moved and priorities become clear Whose hearts were moved by the Lord? (2:1-60) What were their priorities? (2:61 -70) Applications  What is our ...?…
Sermon Notes What did they expect? But what did they see? Why aren't things as they expected? What about us?

Judges 19-21

10th April 2022
Sermon points – Judges 19-21 1. Hospitality to horror We mustn't pick and choose which sins we hate We must hate our own sin 2. Civil War - Israel vs…

Judges 17 & 18

3rd April 2022
Sermon points – Judges 17 & 18 1. What’s wrong? Worshipping idols Distorting God’s character Disobeying God’s word 2. Where does it lead? 3. What’s the remedy?
Judges 16: Samson's weaknesses turned into strength Part 1. Samson's surrender (16: 4-21) Part 2. Samson's rehabilitation (16:22-31) Part 3. Samson - some applications Remember who... Treat any ... Use…

Judges 14-15

20th March 2022
Sermon Notes: Judges 14-15 The Lord accomplishes his purposes through a violent, disobedient, lust-driven bully! The Lord accomplishes his purposes in spite of his apathetic people. The Lord accomplishes his…
Sermon Notes: Judges 13 - Compromised or Consecrated? God intervenes without being asked… God makes clear it is His work alone… God sets apart a deliverer for his people… God…
Sermon Notes: Judges 10-12 Empty Words Rash Words Proud Words
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