
Sermon points – Judges 9 What happens when the Lord is ignored? The Bramble King The Disloyal People God gives them over to their sin
Sermon points – Judges 8: Further lessons from the 300 Catching some Zs (8:1-12;28) Some inconvenient truths (8:13-35) Some applications Pray... Give... Be... Don't...  

Judges 7

13th February 2022
Sermon Notes Judges 7 The Danger of Strength The Lord Graciously Weakens The Lord’s Power Made Perfect in Weakness

Judges 6, The Three Calls

6th February 2022
Sermon points – Judges 6, The Three Calls Who is the hero? The prophet 1 The call to Gideon The call The proof of the call The response of the call…

Judges 4-5 

30th January 2022
Sermon points – Judges 4-5 Is God in control? Who gets the glory? The Lord’s instruments- The Reluctant The Faithful The Irrelevant The Weather The Unaware
Sermon points – Judges 3:12-31 The villain and the hero The Villain: Eglon the Fat Oppressor The Hero:  Ehud the Deliverer The Incomplete Hero and the Real Hero
Sermon points – Judges 2:6-3:11 What is really going on? The Lord’s people did evil and served other gods (v10-13) The Lord’s Red-Hot Anger is Aroused (v12-15) The Lord’s Persistent Love…
Sermon points – Judges 1v1-2v5 A new era and it starts so well... Trusting the Lord's Promises 1v1-19 Fearing the Chariots - we can't do it! 1v19-36 You would not so…

Sermon Notes Verse for the Year 2022 Acts 4:1-22, No other name Why believe Jesus is the only way? What does it mean that Jesus is the only way? What…
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