
Sermon Notes Matthew 1:18-25, Advent 2 Joseph Main Points: Trust in the God who is faithful to His promises V 1-17 A word on Genealogies footnote for verse 1 and…
Sermon points The Adventure of Christmas: Mary, Luke 1:26-38 Why submit like Mary? God's Grace God's Greatness Jesus is the perfect King Jesus is the King who comes to us Will…
Sermon points - Matthew 5:1-16, Salt and Light   We're not in Christendom anymore. 1. Being salt and light starts with our hearts. 2. Being salt and light in our neighbourhood.…
Sermon points Ezra 1:1-11, The Lord is in control King Cyrus is stirred up and act God’s people are stirred up and act Providential concurrence Dealing with loot Our response…

Christians and the Environment

7th November 2021
Sermon points Main Point: Jesus’ sheep love their neighbours 1. Creation Care - Genesis 2:1-18 God made us rulers God made us stewards 2. A Picture of the Parousia (Christ’s second…
Revelation 22, “Come, Lord Jesus” 1. Eden Upgraded The River The Tree The Throne 2. Revelation Applied Come Keep Long
Sermon points  Luke 19: 11–27 The Parable of the King’s Servants It’s not about gifts – it’s about investments We all get the same to invest – the Gospel Investing…
The city is... 12 Throughout the ages From all over the world Vast!   Three things to notice about this city: 1. Radiant with God's glory God's presence God's people 2.…
What do you imagine paradise to be? 1. The best part of the new creation will be… He will… He will… I am… I will… I will… 2. But be…

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