The Parable of the Lost Son: Luke 15:11-32 It’s not fair Jesus defines God as Father Sin can be both ‘badness’ and ‘goodness’ We need the Father, repentance and motivation Religious…
Matthew 13:24-43 - The Parables of the Weeds, Mustard Seed and Yeast: Whatever happened to the Kingdom of God? Future Harvest Present Growth
The Parable of the Sower: Matthew 13:1-23 Why did Jesus speak in parables? There are 2 kinds of people Those who hear and understand. Those who hear and don't understand.…
Talk outline: Jonah 4 - Who won’t we go to? Remember God’s grace to you Let God’s love for the lost shape your love
Jonah 3- God is the God of many choices Motive First Chance Second Chance Our Chance Message Nineveh’s Chance Our Chance Marvel Jesus versus Jonah Peter’s Chance Our Chance
Jonah 2 Dead Raised Up Heartfelt Praise
Talk outline: Jonah 1 He is God of everyone He is God over nature He is bigger than our rebellion
Talk outline: Ezra 7-10 Word restored Ch 7 - Seeing God's hand at work Ch 8 - The word of God returns Ch 9 - The word of God convicts…
Talk outline: Ezra 3-6 Worship restored Ch 3 - Worship first, build second. Ch 4 - Discernment is needed. Ch 5 - Be ready to explain your actions. Ch 6…
Sermon notes: Philippians 1:1-11 - To live is Christ Paul’s heart… Paul’s joy… Paul’s confidence... Paul’s prayer...