
Talk notes: Matthew 1:6-11 - The Genealogy of Jesus / The Son of David The Promise of an eternal Kingship The Promise of the Divine King Jesus, the Son of David

Talk Notes: Haggai 2:10-23 Obedience and Blessing Obedience make a person holy God's incredible blessing - from this day on The reason for blessing - God's Grace  

Haggai 1:15b – 2:9

19th November 2023
Talk notes: 1:15b-2:9 (page 948) The Problem (v3) The first encouragement based on the past (v4-5) The second encouragement based on the future (v6-9)

Haggai 1

12th November 2023
Talk notes: Haggai 1 What is it time for? The unfulfilled life Time to change

Introduction to Haggai

12th November 2023
Talk notes: Can good triumph over evil? Text: Mark 5:1-20 Uncontrollable Evil Jesus Triumphs over Evil Jesus and the Kingdom
Talk notes: Psalm 146 - A Prayer of Praise Do we only sing when we’re winning? How much do we trust in princes? Where can we see the Lord’s power…
Talk notes: Psalm 42 A Prayer in the Desert 1. The Downcast Soul Spiritual Emotional Social Geographical Theological Physical 2. Put Your Hope in God Talk to yourself You will yet…
Psalm 25 - A prayer for guidance /direction 1. Consider big picture context 2. Why did God put this order in place 3. Few verses about guidance.
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