Luke 11:14-28 Trust in the Saviour's Power (vv14-23) Trust in the Saviour's Protection (vv24-26) Trust in the Saviour's Plan (vv27-28)
Title: God’s Chosen Servant Text: Matthew 12:9-21 1. The Servant brings justice He brings justice with gentleness Justice to the nations He sends us out to serve Application Questions What…
Colossians 2:6-23 - Fullness in Christ Lord of our walk Lord of our salvation Lord of our growth Continue to live your lives in Him
Matthew 2:1-12 We see the manifestation of Christ (Epiphany to the Gentiles) Jesus is our King Our response is to put our trust in Him
Outline of SermonUnrestricted Church: What does it mean to be church as we emerge from lockdown?Why not just stay indoors?TEXT: 1 Pet.2:4-10Our new identityWe are God’s chosen people, a spiritual…