Talk outline: Psalm 4 Sleep in heavenly peace Prayer leads to peace - v1,8 Warning for the rebellious - love the Lord (& His King) v2-3 Wisdom for the angry…
Colossians 1:15-23 - Christ at the Centre Christ is the centre of Creation Architect Agent Aim Active Christ is at the center of our Salvation Is Christ at the centre…
Sermon notes: Philippians 1:1-11 - To live is Christ Paul’s heart… Paul’s joy… Paul’s confidence... Paul’s prayer...
Romans 5:12-21 In Adam we are marked by sin & death In Christ we are marked by righteousness & life Thank God for His overflowing, abundant grace
Talk notes: Exodus 33 - God’s Presence The need for God’s presence… The danger of God’s presence… The mediation of God’s presence… The limits of God’s presence… The experience of…
Sermon notes - Exodus 12 1:30 Never Forget ... The holiness of God and the horror of judgement The mercy of God and the way of salvation
Psalm 88, Singing in the Darkness This Song shapes our expectations of the life of faith This Song calls us to be honest with God (and with others) This Song…
Psalm 1, Singing through all of life There are only two kinds of singers in life… There are very different outcomes for the two kinds of singers… Blessing, Fruitfulness, Prosperity…
Sermon Notes: Judges 13 - Compromised or Consecrated? God intervenes without being asked… God makes clear it is His work alone… God sets apart a deliverer for his people… God…