Babylon has fallen: Revelation 18
Order of Service
Service leader: Joanne Walpole
Pre-service song: Lord, I need you
Welcome & opening prayer
Song: Lift high the name of Jesus
Church family news
All age slot: Memory Verse, Psalm 119:1
All age song: It don’t matter what the prouds ones say
Prayers & Lord’s Prayer: Marc Evans
Song: King of Kings, Majesty
Reading: Revelation 18, Hilary Griffiths
Sermon: Babylon is fallen, Bart Erlebach
Song: O worship the king all glorious above
Closing prayer
Song after the service: What can wash away my sin
Sermon points – Revelation 18: Babylon has fallen!
What is Babylon?
1. Babylon Unmasked
- Unfaithful
- Living for Luxury
- Glorifying Herself
2. Come out of her!
3. Weeping and Mourning
4. Babylon no more