Matthew 27:45-66
Talk notes: Exodus 40: 17-38 Such a response Such an importance Such a relevance
Sermon Points Can we really forgive and forget? The King The Debt The Forgiveness
Exodus 34 God is faithful God’s people must be faithful This relationship will make you more and more glorious!
Talk notes: Exodus 33 - God’s Presence The need for God’s presence… The danger of God’s presence… The mediation of God’s presence… The limits of God’s presence… The experience of…
Sermon Notes- Exodus 32 - Idolatry What is idolatry? Worshipping other gods Claiming to worship the Lord, but rejecting His word How does the Lord respond to idolatry? Anger What's…
Sermon notes: Exodus 28: 1-43 God is holy - mankind is not The High Priest was dressed to live To come before God we must be properly dresses Jesus is…
The Tabernacle Can God and Mankind live together? The Ark – the place to meet God The Table – God provides - Acts 17:24-25 The Lamp – God is your…
Sermon Notes - Exodus 21:28-36 & 24:1-11 The Mosaic Covenant The Book (20:22- 23:33) Its relevance to us The Altar (24:1 - 11) Its relevance to us
All Age Service - Exodus 20:1-21 - The Ten Commandments Before the 10 Commandments The 10 Commandments After the 10 Commandments Therefore Spend Time with God Read your Bible