Exodus 19 The Mountain Obedience Purity But don’t go up! Hebrews 12:18-24 The City Joy Obedience Purity
Sermon notes: Exodus 18 What is a Christian? Set free (v1-12) Set Free to Obey the Lord (v13-27)
Sermon Notes Exodus 15:22-27 Don't Grumble Obey the Word of the Lord Look to the Rock
Sermon Notes Verse for the Year – Isaiah 40:30-31 Why hope in the Lord ? God’s Word God’s Arm God’s Hand God’s Wisdom
Sermon Notes - Luke 1:46-55 The Lord lifts up the humble Who are the humble? How high does he lift them?
Sermon notes - Exodus 12 1:30 Never Forget ... The holiness of God and the horror of judgement The mercy of God and the way of salvation