Sermon points – Judges 1v1-2v5 A new era and it starts so well... Trusting the Lord's Promises 1v1-19 Fearing the Chariots - we can't do it! 1v19-36 You would not so…
Sermon Notes Verse for the Year 2022 Acts 4:1-22, No other name Why believe Jesus is the only way? What does it mean that Jesus is the only way? What…
Sermon notes: Matthew 2:13-23, Joseph the dreamer The Dream of Protection - verses 13-18 The Dream of Resettlement - verses 14-21 The Dream of Guidance - verses 22-23
Sermon notes: Jesus, John 1:1-14 The Unexpected Christmas Visitor: Reject or Receive?
God With Us Who is this Baby? God with us Why did He come? To save His people from their sins
Sermon Notes The Adventure of Christmas - The Wise Men Matthew 2:1-12 Reactions to Jesus: 1. Herod: Sees a Threat 2. Religious Leaders: Apathy 3. The Magi: Worship
Sermon Notes - Luke 2:8-20 - The Shepherds The first eyewitnesses… God’s Saviour King has arrived… … Peace! … Proclamation! … Praise!
Sermon Notes Matthew 1:18-25, Advent 2 Joseph Main Points: Trust in the God who is faithful to His promises V 1-17 A word on Genealogies footnote for verse 1 and…
Sermon points The Adventure of Christmas: Mary, Luke 1:26-38 Why submit like Mary? God's Grace God's Greatness Jesus is the perfect King Jesus is the King who comes to us Will…