Sermon points - Matthew 5:1-16, Salt and Light We're not in Christendom anymore. 1. Being salt and light starts with our hearts. 2. Being salt and light in our neighbourhood.…
Sermon points Ezra 1:1-11, The Lord is in control King Cyrus is stirred up and act God’s people are stirred up and act Providential concurrence Dealing with loot Our response…
Sermon points Main Point: Jesus’ sheep love their neighbours 1. Creation Care - Genesis 2:1-18 God made us rulers God made us stewards 2. A Picture of the Parousia (Christ’s second…
Revelation 22, “Come, Lord Jesus” 1. Eden Upgraded The River The Tree The Throne 2. Revelation Applied Come Keep Long
Sermon points Luke 19: 11–27 The Parable of the King’s Servants It’s not about gifts – it’s about investments We all get the same to invest – the Gospel Investing…
The city is... 12 Throughout the ages From all over the world Vast! Three things to notice about this city: 1. Radiant with God's glory God's presence God's people 2.…
What do you imagine paradise to be? 1. The best part of the new creation will be… He will… He will… I am… I will… I will… 2. But be…
Order of Service Welcome & opening prayer Song: Hold the power of the universe in Your hand All age slot: Memory Verse, Psalm 119:105 Church family news Confession Prayers &…
Order of Service Service leader: Marc Evans Pre-service song: What gift of grace Welcome & opening prayer Song: You made the starry hosts All age slot: Memory Verse, Psalm…