Sermon Notes- John 14:1-14, I am the way, the truth and the lifeJesus is the way to the Father, v1-6Jesus is the way to know the Father, v 7-11Jesus will…
'I am the resurrection and the life', John 11:17-27 In the face of death we see in this passage 2 mistakes and 2 promises... Mistake 1: Presuming that Jesus will…
Theme: I am … Title: I am the Good ShepherdText: John 10:14-21 Being known by the Good Shepherd: verses 14-15 A shepherd knows what is ______ for the sheep and the sheep…
Sermon Notes"I am the gate" John 10:1-10If they don't enter through the gate, they're thieves, v1-2Jesus' sheep have built-in voice recognition, v3-6Thieves kill, Jesus gives life to the full, v7-10
"I am the light of the world", John 18:12-20The claim Jesus makesThe invitation Jesus offersThe promise Jesus gives
Text: John 6: 25-591) Jesus’ the I AM the importance of Jesus’ proclamation “ I AM the bread of life”. When Moses asked God in exodus chapter 3 verses 13…
Outline of SermonUnrestricted Church: What does it mean to be church as we emerge from lockdown?Why not just stay indoors?TEXT: 1 Pet.2:4-10Our new identityWe are God’s chosen people, a spiritual…
Sermon notesWhy not just have online relationships? Colossians 3:12-171. How are we to relate to one another?CompassionKindnessHumility and Gentleness/MeeknessPatience2. How is it possible to relate like this?We have to know…
Reading: Acts 2:42-47Series: Unrestricted Church: What does it mean to be church as we emerge from lockdown?Title: Why not just have online services?Main Point: Devote yourselves to God’s word, to…