Luke 24:36-53 Verse 45 ‘Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures’Then he opened their mindsJesus can open mindsJesus needs to open minds 2. so they could understand the…
Service OrderWelcome Song: Cloaks and BranchesAll age slot Children and young people to JAM and Pathfinders Song: All Glory Laud and Honour Heroes of the Faith: introduced by Liz Crozier Prayers: Marc EvansReading: Hebrews 12:1-3 David Croziers Sermon: Paul Louie Song: Consider Christ Close  Sermon Notes: Hebrews…
Service Order:WelcomeSong – God Speaks we listen All Age slot – animated video Children and Young People to JAM and Pathfinders One year on – lamentSong: Great is thy faithfulness Hero of the Faith: Cara Rodger speaking…
Service Order:Welcome Mothering Sunday Song: Lost is found All Age SlotJAM and Pathfinders to Zoom groups Prayers: Brian and Joan Mayhew CreedBrian’s Hero of the faithReading: Joan Mayhew Sermon Song: We have this treasure from the Lord our God Closing…
Service Order:Song: Light of the world Welcome BirthdaysSong: 1,2,3,4,5 Jesus Christ is now alive All age slot JAM out (Pathfinders stay in) Reading: Genesis 22:1-19 Teresa CooperKip’ Chelashaw’s Hero of the Faith Prayers – Phil and Teresa Cooper Reading: Hebrews 11:17-22 Sermon  Song: I…