Romans 8:31-39 The confident Christian Who can be against us? Will he not give us all things? Who will bring any charge? Who condemns? Who shall separate us form the…
Romans 7:14-25 I want to do good But sin lives in me The fight of your life
Romans 6: 15-23 - Does it matter if I sin? The 2 slave masters You have already changed masters The benefits of each master Offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness
Romans 5:12-21 In Adam we are marked by sin & death In Christ we are marked by righteousness & life Thank God for His overflowing, abundant grace
Sermon Notes - Romans 5:1-11 Joy comes from faith Joy comes from the gospel Joy comes from peace with God Joy comes from our hope of the glory of God
Order of Service Service leader: Bart Erlebach Welcome Song: Thine be the glory risen conquering Son Church Family news Sermon part 1: Unexpected, Chris Bruce Bible reading 1: John 20:1-2,…
Order of Service Service leader: Bart Erlebach Welcome Song: Hallelujah what a Saviour Bible reading: John 18:28-40 - Jean Clayton Song: When I survey the Wondrous Cross Bible reading: John…
Sermon Notes - Romans 1:18-32 The Wrath of God is being revealed… Creation Sin Judgement God gives us over to… Over-desires Sexual immorality All kinds of evil
Sermon Notes - Romans 1:8-17 How important is faith? Faith is Essential Faith needs strengthening Faith is strengthened by seeing faith Faith is strengthened by Gospel preaching