James 5:1-6, The Dangers of Riches Hoarding Wealth Withholding Payment Living in Luxury Condemning the Innocent
James 4:13-17 ‘I am the master of my fate’ You don’t know… You are a mist You are dependent on the Lord So, do good!
James 4:1-12 - Church a Battlefield? Selfish Desires Unfaithfulness Taking God’s Place as Judge Humble Yourself Before the Lord
James 3:13-18 - Two kinds of wisdom What is wisdom? - Verse 13 Worldly Wisdom – Verses 14-16 Wisdom from God – Verses 17,18
James 3:1-12 - The Tongue Small but Powerful Devastatingly Destructive Untameable Reveals the Heart
James 2:14-26 - Real Faith Acts False faith All words but no help Correct theology but no action Real Faith Acts To obey God's word To help fellow believers
James 1:19-27 The Word Planted Must Become The Word Lived Or We Have Deceived Ourselves!