Revelation 19:1-10, Is mankind doomed?
Order of Service
Service leader: Marc Evans
Pre-service song: What gift of grace
Welcome & opening prayer
Song: You made the starry hosts
All age slot: Memory Verse, Psalm 119:11
All age song: God speaks, we listen
Church family news
Song: What gift of grace
Prayers & Lord’s Prayer: Sue Gould
Song: There is a higher throne than all this world has known
Reading: Revelation 19:1-10, Janet Heskins
Sermon: Is mankind doomed? Bart Erlebach
Song: Jesus shall reign where’er the sun does his successive journeys run
Closing prayer
Song after the service: Hallelujah Chorus, Handel’s Messiah
Sermon points
Revelation 19:1-10, Is mankind doomed?
1. Joy because of Judgment
- God is the judge
- His Judgements are:
- Just
- and true
- Demonstrated in the judgment of Babylon
- (but shouldn't we love our enemies?) 1Peter 2:21-23
2. Joy because of the Wedding
- The Groom is a Lamb
- Notice the Bride's dress
- Eph 2:10
The Invitation